Friday, November 2, 2007

Extreme PowerPoint

My friend introduced me to this website called PowerPoint Heaven recently, and it features lots of cool effects you can achieve in PowerPoint.

Some of the stuff there are really extreme, for example the games. If you open them in PowerPoint you find things like "Rectangle 576" - meaning that there are hundreds of elements on one slide. In fact some of the things there strongly recommend you turn on hardware acceleration in PowerPoint (well maybe you didn't know there was such a thing eh?) or performance will suffer (due to the many elements). And there's aggressive use of triggers (when a custom animation happens because you click something - I didn't know about this before either). The effects are mostly PowerPoint XP/2003 only, because only from PowerPoint XP onwards had the advanced custom animation been added.

However there are a few tips on the website that are applicable to everyday PowerPoint use, and you might want to take a look.

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